Progeny Report

7 Animals Out of DDC Sally 3
Page 1 of 1
Name AKKPS# Sire Gender Sorted by ColorColor Birth Date Breeder Owner Progeny
HARP Sally 3 Barton Hill Tutaki 81 - Darrowby Sow 2
HARP BH Tutaki 14 - Beefcake AKKPS 25437 KKP BH Tutaki 1 Boar Black/White 01/01/2021 Brian Barlow Nadene Reynolds 7
HARP BH Tutaki 8 - Chris P Bacon AKKPS 14537 Barton Hill Tutaki 81 - Darrowby Boar Black/White 05/01/2019 Brian Barlow Amanda Garmon 13
HARP Mahia Love 1 - Jerry Garcia AKKPS 12960 Creekside Farm Mahia Love 2 - Pudge Boar Black/White 10/12/2018 Brian Barlow Markie Stroupe 12
HARP Sally 10 - Mast O Donna AKKPS 26749 KKP BH Tutaki 1 Sow Black/White 06/12/2020 Brian Barlow Nadene Reynolds 8
HARP Sally 4 - Myrtle AKKPS 14851 Barton Hill Tutaki 81 - Darrowby Sow Black/White 05/01/2019 Brian Barlow Stephanie Clapp Ash 13
HARP BH Tutaki 9 - Maui AKKPS 18982 KKP BH Tutaki 1 Boar Brown/White 06/12/2020 Brian Barlow Sarah Sessions

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Database last updated on Thursday December 29, 2022 at 3:12 PM EST.

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