Progeny Report

14 Animals by CBF Ru 9 - Buckingham
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Name Sorted by AKKPS Reg. No.AKKPS# Dam Gender Color Birth Date Breeder Owner Progeny
Stars Hollow Pigs Jenny 3 AKKPS 13106P Angel Enterprise Farm Jenny 1 - Fern Sow Ginger/Black 04/12/2020 Elizabeth A. Willis Elizabeth A. Willis
Stars Hollow Pigs Jenny 4 AKKPS 13107P Angel Enterprise Farm Jenny 1 - Fern Sow Ginger/Black 04/12/2020 Elizabeth A. Willis Elizabeth A. Willis
Stars Hollow Pigs Ru 2 AKKPS 13108P Angel Enterprise Farm Jenny 1 - Fern Boar Black/White 04/12/2020 Elizabeth A. Willis Elizabeth A. Willis
CAF Ru 6 - Lucky AKKPS 14545 CBF Wilsons Gina 1 - Charlotte Boar Black/White 01/10/2020 Shaun Brown Leilani Simmons 14
CAF Wilsons Gina 5 - Baylee AKKPS 15891 KKP Wilsons Gina 9 Sow Brown/White 12/10/2019 Shaun Brown Cristina Mingledolph 6
CAF Ru 7 - Elvis AKKPS 18635 KKP Wilsons Gina 9 Boar Brown 12/10/2019 Shaun Brown Shannon Drake
CAF Wilsons Gina 3 - Lucy AKKPS 23452 CBF Wilsons Gina 1 - Charlotte Sow Brown/White 01/10/2020 Shaun Brown Alan & Christy Kelley
CAF Ru 4 - Slainte AKKPS 23453 CBF Wilsons Gina 1 - Charlotte Boar Black/White 01/10/2020 Shaun Brown Alan & Christy Kelley 3
CAF Wilsons Gina 6 - Tiramisu AKKPS 26912 KKP Wilsons Gina 9 Sow Brown/White 12/10/2019 Shaun Brown Shannon Drake
Country Acre Farm Ru 1 AKKPS 9541P Country Acre Farm Jenny 1 - Reign Boar Ginger/Black 04/22/2019 Shaun Brown Shaun Brown
Country Acre Farm Ru 2 AKKPS 9542P Country Acre Farm Jenny 1 - Reign Boar Ginger/Black 04/22/2019 Shaun Brown Shaun Brown
Country Acre Farm Ru 3 AKKPS 9543P Country Acre Farm Jenny 1 - Reign Boar Ginger 04/22/2019 Shaun Brown Shaun Brown
Country Acre Farm Jenny 1 - Talia AKKPS 9544 Country Acre Farm Jenny 1 - Reign Sow Cream 04/22/2019 Shaun Brown H. Paula Moon
Country Acre Farm Jenny 2 - Charlotte AKKPS 9545 Country Acre Farm Jenny 1 - Reign Sow Ginger 04/22/2019 Shaun Brown Donna W. Parker

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Database last updated on Thursday December 29, 2022 at 3:12 PM EST.

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